Overcoming Fears

“Being a part of the Taqaddam community has helped shape my character in more ways than I predicted. I would describe myself as introverted, yet I was able to comfortably socialize with people and engage in conversations with them due to the skills I developed.

For two years, I had an irrational fear of public speaking. The thought of giving a speech in front of a crowd has driven me to the point of having panic attacks on more than one occasion. I didn’t know how to combat this issue that I desperately wanted to overcome. This was the case until I joined the program. Along with my team, I was able to present our “make it happen” project in front of a crowd of roughly 400 people, and that’s something that I never thought I’d dream of due to my anxiety.”

Sheikha Mohammed Al Dosary

Student Ambassador, Hamad Town Secondary Girls’ School