These webinars are for Taqaddam Participants who have had their workshops disrupted by Covid-19. A highlight video from each webinar will be made available on this page.

Through these webinars you will explore how life skills can help you in your personal, professional and community lives. They will be run by our amazing Taqaddam Facilitators and will include discussions, information and live activities.

Monday 2nd of November, 2pm GMT

The launch of the Webinar Series! In this webinar you will explore life skills, such as creativity and collaboration, why they are important in our lives, and how you can grow them. We will also be launching the Taqaddam Activity Library

Wednesday 18th November, 2pm GMT

In this webinar we look into the role life skills play in our everyday lives. We’ll discuss personal development, relationships, hobbies and passions, and think about what supports well-being now and into the future.

Wednesday 2 December, 2pm GMT

In this webinar we explore life skills and the world of work. We’ll hear from professionals and discuss questions about the employability skills of the future, the transition from school or college, and what makes for a good work life.

Monday 14 December, 2pm GMT

In this webinar we look at putting life skills into action in your communities and society. It’s about connecting with what matters most to you and making a positive difference, through action and projects, but also through everyday leadership.