Character strengths are your inner resources and what makes you authentic, unique and feel engaged with the world around you.

SPARK is all about enjoying what you do, being interested in things and wanting to learn. 

CONFIDENCE is understanding who you are and what you are capable of.

METTLE is resilience and determination; the ability to keep going and not stop doing something, even if it’s hard.

POSITIVE EMOTIONS are when you feel good about the future as well as happy about the present, or even the past.

PURPOSE is a sense of meaning in your life that can help you move forward.


Soft skills are abilities you learn. They are personal qualities and attitudes that help you work well with other people and make a positive contribution to society.

ORGANISED PLANNER: To be able to balance school work, homework, family life and extra-curricular activities. To create plans to achieve a goal and feel happy doing this.

TEAM PLAYER: To work well in a team – during school, at home or during a voluntary activity.

CREATIVE INNOVATOR: To think and come up with unusual solutions, responses or ideas. You enjoy being able to think openly and freely.

INITIATIVE TAKER: To organise your own time and set deadlines to complete assignments and not change these deadlines. To start a personal project and not stop when it gets hard or boring.

CRITICAL THINKER: To choose a direction and give your own opinion success- fully and clearly. You do this by listening to the information and working out what the logical answer is.

EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATOR: To have positive and useful conversations with friends, family, teachers etc. Enjoy listening to others and feeling comfortable telling your own stories.