Life Skills Education in the classroom
For many teachers, Taqaddam is their first step into facilitating participatory approaches in the classroom and we consistently receive positive feedback about the positive impact of these approaches.
In Qatar, the government introduced a life skills programme in schools after witnessing the impact of the programme with plans to support integrating Taqaddam content into the national curriculum.
In Bahrain, after delivering the programme to every public school in the country, Teachers we hear year-on-year how teachers have cascaded what they have learnt in their respective schools.
In Morocco, Ali Mouzouni, BC Programme Manager describes how the programme has had a long-lasting impact on the policy-makers and as a result embedding life skills into the curriculum of all vocational/technical colleges is now amongst the top priorities of the Ministry of Education. Engaging policy-makers was one of the results of Taqaddam operating in the MENA region. Taqaddam has paved the way for embedding life skills into curriculum through leading by example.