Welcome to Taqaddam – Egypt 2021

This is your homepage for everything you need to know about Taqaddam in Egypt.

The Taqaddam Programme

Over the next 12 weeks, you will be involved in Online Webinars and Workshops facilitated by International Taqaddam Facilitators, Taqaddam Classes delivered by your teachers and will also be asked to work on a Team Project ready for the Make it Happen Showcase.

Taqaddam Webinar 1

First things first… If you did not attend Webinar 1 on Monday 18th January, please watch the video here. We encourage you to also do the activities, and you will need some paper and pens. This webinar introduces some key Taqaddam ideas as well as walks you though the programme.

Workshop 1

The workshops begin on Tuesday 19th January, and your teacher will tell you what exact date your workshop will be.

Make sure you make the most out of it by watching Webinar 1 and getting your copy of your Taqaddam Handbook from your school. If you can’t get it in time, that’s ok, download it and have a look through.

Webinar 2: Make it Happen

In this webinar we introduce you to Make it Happen. This is where you learn about ‘putting life skills into action’ by working in teams and exploring more about how change happens and how you can take small steps to make big changes.

This will be on Wednesday the 3rd February.

The Make it Happen Process

Everything you need to know about the Make it Happen process, the Taqaddam Impact Awards and what you need to do is in this Project Brief.

Download it by clicking on the image.


Your Online Showcase is now LIVE. You can see all projects, your score and feedback specifically for your project…



Check out the SHOWCASE page where you can see what award your team got as well as some feedback.

> HERE <

Your Taqaddam Handbook

Throughout your Taqaddam journey you will be asked to refer to and use this Taqaddam Handbook so look after it. It is full of personal missions that support your personal life skills development and you should aim to complete all of these by the end of the programme.

If you haven’t received your hard copy from your college or university yet, you can download it by clicking on the Handbook image on the left.

Download the new Taqaddam Life Skills App.

The App has 30 new Missions to support your Taqaddam journey and beyond.

If you haven’t already, then download it here: