Welcome to Taqaddam Phase 2
Bahrain 2021

This is your homepage for everything you need to know about Taqaddam Phase 2 in Bahrain. Things are a bit different this time, but we’re really excited to see you again in workshops and at Make it Happen.



Due to the announcements of midterm exams, we had to postpone Taqaddam in Bahrain BUT WE’RE BACK!

See you at the workshops!

The Taqaddam Team

In March 2020, in response to the Covid-19 pandemic and closure of schools across the countries, the British Council postponed all Taqaddam workshops until further notice. Due to the continuing uncertainty and risks involved in delivering face-to-face workshops, Taqaddam is going Online so that we can fulfil our commitments to completing the programme with you.

As one of the Taqaddam students who had your Workshops cancelled, we are excited to tell you that we will now deliver an online, 3-hour version of Workshop 2 using Zoom which (where possible) will be delivered by your Taqaddam facilitators from Workshop 1.


Taqaddam has been postponed due to your midterm exams. We’ll be back soon!

The Countdown Continues!

There are now 2 weeks to go until Taqaddam launches again in Bahrain. Here is this week’s countdown video from your facilitators.

There are some important information and actions so make sure you take it all in and see you next week for the last video before we meet again.

They will share another video next week, and a final video one week before the launch.

The Countdown starts now!

There are just 3 weeks to go until Taqaddam launches again in Bahrain, and your facilitators have made this Countdown Video to tell you everything you need to do now to prepare for Phase 2, including with your missions and Make it Happen projects.

They will share another video next week, and a final video one week before the launch.

If you have any questions then please get in touch with your teacher as soon as possible.

Good luck!

The new Taqaddam Life Skills App has arrived.

The App has 30 new Missions to support your Taqaddam journey and beyond.

If you haven’t already, then download it here: