Discover your strengths and skills.
Move forward in life!
Young people need skills to learn and create in life, not just at school.
We want to see a world where young people have all the tools they need to feel confident, motivated and to be successful. Taqaddam is an interactive programme that will help you discover and grow your character strengths and soft skills. We take an innovative approach to learning and development, blending online elements with national workshops, school-based classes and an exciting social action challenge.
Our world is an amazing place, but it is not perfect. Every day we must overcome challenges at both a local and global level. We have the potential within all of us to create positive changes in the world and in our communities.
Make it Happen!
Make it Happen! is part of the Taqaddam programme. Students use the strengths and skills they have built up during the programme to create a project that will make their communities better, kinder and happier places.